Rihanna in News

Rihanna Song: Rihanna\'s first solo song from \'Black Panther\' released, dedicated to late actor Chadwick Boseman

 Nov 04,2022

    Rihanna is the richest female musician in the world. Recently the first solo song of the pop singer has been released. Let us tell you that this song has been taken from the sequel soundtrack of the upcoming film Black Panther. The title of this song is 'Lift Me'. Black Panther is scheduled to release in November.Tribute was giv

Beyonce, Kanye West, Rihanna support Jay-Z's Tidal

 Mar 30,2015

Los Angeles, March 30 (IANS) Multiple musicians, including Beyonce Knowles, Kanye West and Rhanna have shown support for rapper Jay-Z's music streaming service Tidal.The ensemble helped promote the service on micro-blogging website Twitter using the hashtag '#TIDALforALL' and turned their Twitter profile picture bright blue, reports aceshow

JLo makes Rihanna feel 'safe'

 Mar 22,2015

Los Angeles, March 22 (IANS) Singer Rihanna finds a unique warmth and "safeness" in Jennifer Lopez's voice -- the kind her mother has.The two singers have voiced the mother and daughter Lucy and Tip in animated movie "Home", which follows the 12-year-old's search for her parent after they are separated following an alien invasion.Rihanna say

Rihanna's life soon to be documented

 Mar 15,2015

Los Angeles, March 15 (IANS) Producer Peter Berg, who worked with Rihanna in the film "Battleship" in 2012, is now planning to make a documentary on the singer's life.The documentary will talk about the journey of Rihanna and how she became anicon in music, reports aceshowbiz.comAccording to deadline.com, the documentary was described as an "

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